This week has been kind of an adjustment week. Our area is so small that contacting is really just checking up on people that we have met. Literally all of Goyave just knows us so thats pretty funny. So we decided to expand and tried a couple different places. Finally Sunday night we were able to find some success in this huge apartment complex that we walked about a half hour to find. We contacted there and found 3 really interested contacts in just a few hours! It was an answer to our prayers. We were able to teach the Restoration to one of them (a man who would say a sentence in french and then attempt to translate it into english-at one point he said "my name is myself" Later yesterday evening we taught one of our investigators who is really super. We met him during our first attempt at "windows" and he came up to us. He was high at the time but is working so hard to change his life. He is really trying to quit smoking and it is amazing to see his conviction to the gospel when he is so new to it. We are working with him on prayer right now so that he will understand that Heavenly Father wants to hear from him, and he isn't wasting His time. Fortunately for us, after the closing prayer he asked if he could say a prayer of protection for us. It ended up being a song in maybe hebrew so sister Hawkes and Frere Bon (the branch presidents son) and I were really trying to be respectful but Frere Bon (who is normally the most soft spoken person ever) was really having a hard time holding in his laughter. The song was just so west indian.
Unfortunately David (this ami) and all of our other investigators couldn't come to church yesterday because there is a huge gas strike. People still pump the gas for you here and all the workers have gone on strike so that was pretty frustrating yesterday. Apparently this happens all the time here. clllaaaaasssiicccc gaudeloupe.
P is ammmaaaazing. His girlfriend broke up with him this week because he decided to get baptized and she is evangelist. He is still getting baptized though and knows the church is true. The new testimony he has is already being tried but he is holding firm. It is so amazing. He is going to be an excellent member and he even told us that he wants to be a missionary!
Finally M has decided that he needs to be baptized, which is awesome! We are working on helping him with his testimony of the Book of Mormon, he knows it is true because he feel the spirit when he reads it but it is hard to get him to pray to know if it is true. This is a recurring problem for people.
We are really trying to work with the members here because the branch is struggling. There are only four families in the branch and they need a little help getting along so we are trying to visit them and work with them more so they can have more love for each other and work together to do missionary work. We had a great lesson with the B family this week and it was a great example of teaching people instead of lessons. It did not go how we planned but it ended up going where they needed it. They are even going to work with us this week which will help a lot, the investigators that progress are the ones we bring members to. It is so true. The only way the work hastens is through members!
I hope all is well and I love you!!
soeur abs
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